Our Vision


Woodstock is a unique property at Tamborine Village, within the Logan City Council LGA. At a substantial 302 acres, Woodstock is bounded by the Albert River on three sides, has the Tamborine Mountain escarpment as it’s backdrop, is naturally spring water fed and gently undulating with a natural amphitheatre, river flats and fauna and flora. It’s close proximity to the major urban areas of Brisbane, Logan City, Gold Coast, Ipswich, the Scenic Rim and our growing neighbour of Yarrabilba, confirms the value of Woodstock to be preserved as a community asset.

The YET Board, as “custodians” of Woodstock, hold the view that Woodstock is to be held in perpetuity for the benefit of the wider community, guided by the founding objectives of YET.

YET has the goal at Woodstock, of being a facilitator and on-farm host for exchange in knowledge, skills, insights with particular focus on organisations concerned with land and its health, healthier communities, and the support and meaningful engagement of young people in pursuit of engagement in the environment, education and entrepreneurship.

  • The precincts within Woodstock allow for development of areas that support:

    • Administration

    • Education

    • Amphitheatre and Events

    • Agricultural and Horticultural

    • Native Vegetation and Wildlife

  • Administration

    Our dedicated team are based at the front of our 302 acre property and look forward to opening the doors to our community so they can enjoy this special place of rest.

  • Education

    Leveraging the unique facilities of Woodstock and in partnership with key industry stakeholders, developing a trade-based Learning Environment focused on Agriculture, Horticulture (Community Supported Agriculture) and general outdoor skills including Landscaping, and Environmental Management.

    Additional Educational Opportunities with Woodstock at its core, encourage and develop partners or programs that benefit the broader community, both young and old through Outdoor Adventure Based Learning (OABL), events and training that are guided by our objectives.

    Opportunities for organisations or individuals to develop social enterprises and entrepreneurial skills in young people

  • Amphitheatre and Events

    • Concert, Hospitality and Event training opportunity.

    • Engagement with the arts and opportunity for Writers Festivals and similar events

    • Informal accommodation available for community bookings and use by on-farm voluntary community workers

    • Dining/workshop facility development opportunity for community bookings as well as conferences facilities

    • Development opportunity for low key/informal accommodation or glamping facilities

    • Development Opportunity for common dining/community facility that could also double as a Koala Nursery Information Center

  • Horticultural & Agriculture

    Woodstock currently has some 40 head of cattle and a bull on the property. Potential to develop educational and social enterprise and a significant training opportunity through skills training, breeding and the commerce of farming beef cattle.

    Potential Horticultural Nursery - to support on-farm planting needs, and resource with potential to develop educational and social enterprise a training opportunities and supply of community organisations

    • Apiculture – Honeybees

    • Bush medicine/food production using endemic species

    • Horticulture applying Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) farming strategy

  • Native Vegetation and Wildlife Corridors

    Through key partnerships with Queensland Trust for Nature and similar organisations, continue development and plan for a network of ecologically viable native vegetation corridors across the farm, replicating as closely as possible the original undisturbed Woodstock landscape, and helping define different land-use precincts on-farm. Educational opportunities arise through engaging young people with native vegetation.

    With the development of these native vegetation corridors, YET recognizes the opportunity for partnerships with orgainsations to foster care and develop community education that will enable Koalas in care to re-learn climbing and foraging skills before release back into their native habitat.

    Corridors to grow bush medicine/food.

    Corridors to link to existing riparian zone and Plunkett National Park as well as integrate with longer term planned linkages to other nature reserves/contiguous properties in the local district